01 Jul

Dear parents,    

another restricted school year is ending.Together we mastered challenges such as continuous re-scheduling and adapting the bus/trams. For those of you who did not update yet the registration data, please do so ( https://www.eskar-transport.de/services/yearly-update-by-may-30th) and submit asap your Scoolcard form if necessary.    

During this school year we worked to improve the quality of our service and communication:

- we have prepared a small anonymous survey and we would like to ask you to fill it in and to submit your answers, the survey you find here:

- A new Homepage is now available. We hope you will like it, the address will be the same: www.eskar-transport.de  ;

- Two new assistants joined the administrative team: Elena and Manoshi;

- The fee for kindergarten children has been adapted to the same amount as for the children in the elementary (100 € per school year).

We are still working on further improvements that we hope to share with you soon, and once more we encourage you to fill in the survey in order to be able to further improve the quality of the service.

Remember to check regularly our webpage
Thank you for the good cooperation!
We wish you and your families a great and healthy summer break!
The transport committee board and team.